Daily Shaarli
November 28, 2023
GitHub - awesome-lists/awesome-bash:
A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
I’ve been getting requests to create a modification guide for the T430 for over a year now, so this guide is long overdue. I’ve modded and created probably about a dozen T430 ThinkPads in the last 3 years and my mobile powerhouse is currently my fully decked out and customized T430.
Pass (main site, Arch wiki) is a command-line Unix password manager that utilizes GPG for all underlying encryption. However, beyond passwords, we can utilize it in a number of clever ways.
The best color codes organized in named lists with in HEX and RGB values for all of your HTML, CSS, website, and other developer needs!
match command-line arguments to their help text
My secure search engine.
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine that aggregates results from more than 70 search services and does not track or profile users.
A community driven effort (like wikipedia) with the aim of collecting as many internet radio and TV stations as possible.
I like the possibility to select radios by location on a world map.
Adventures with lightweight and minimalist software for Linux
Old as the hills, but still fun
I've installed Shaarli version 13.0
main web site: https://wittamore.com